Best-in-class player salary data
Groundbreaking football player salary tool. Bespoke reports and case-by-case support / consultancy for a range of services where
salary information is crucial for strategic purposes.
- Contract negotiations
- For benchmarking performance to assess value for money
- Compare how different tiers of clubs structure their salaries
- For loss-of-earnings settlements
- Assess wasted salaries spent on injured players

Player Salary Tool
Groundbreaking football player salary tool, revolutionising the way industry professionals access and analyse salary information
- Granular average base salary data for 225 European clubs in current season
- Salary information categorised by age and position
- Including league comparison for Big 5
- All figures from reputable and authoritative sources
Best-in-class wage data and expert witness reports for use in loss of earnings cases
- Authoritative numbers to demonstrate deserved compensation levels
- Accepted and endorsed from private tribunals to the High Court
- Vital data that proves football player pay from the 1980s to the current day
- Underpinned by internal league and player union intelligence
- Used in record settlements paying £5m+ for career-ending incidents

“I consider that this data provides a more secure basis on which to make my findings … it seems to me they provide the best evidence available about average earnings in professional football and I shall therefore use it as the starting point for my calculation of the claimant’s loss of earnings”

Salary Intelligence
Granular wage data for Europe’s major leagues to help inform squad-building, player purchases, contract negotiations and club running costs
- Average basic salary data for clubs in Europe’s major divisions by playing position and age
- Compare player wage expenditure, for example top 10 clubs by revenue versus chosen cohort of other clubs
- Compare salary allocation at different clubs by % of expenditure spent on each of the 20 best paid players
- Benchmark salaries across leagues for a particular type of player / transfer target
- Assess salaries spent on injured players to quantify the effectively of injury prevention measures / medical departments
"This provided an insight that we haven’t see available anywhere else, from a specific detailed breakdown of how a playing contract works, to wage structures at different clubs, to the difference in wages, by age and position, between the ‘Big 6’ in the Premier League and the other clubs”