Leo Messi

5 September 2021 - 6:31 PM



Be careful to follow the path of current successful clubs - they look smart but it is not really a sustainable strategy

  • The biggest challenge in the football industry is presented by players and their agents. It is their superior bargaining power that forms the financial achilles heel of the industry.
  • Clubs find themselves caught in what resembles a perfect storm in the players market. This is one of the key-points in a book about strategy in the football industry.
  • “How Hard Can it Be” is written by Mads Davidsen and Dan Hammer and the English version has just been released.
  • The authors have developed a formula saying that 70 per cent of an average club’s sporting success over time can be explained by capital, 20 per cent competency. The last 10 per cent go to, as it were, chance or luck.
  • This is chapter 5 from the book "How hard can it be". Chapter five has the title: "It's the economy, stupid!"

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